Tuesday, June 17, 2008

To Bike Or Not To Bike...and Comics Ahoy!

What is up my readers! Hope you're all living it up as best as you can...

Just a quick update on the bike into work this past weekend...the ride in was awesome. Took me 24:57 to bike in and I did go through the park. It was a nice ride into it with very few people and lots of just peace and quiet. Made it worth it to get that moment of peace before work. Most of it was downhill which leads me to the ride back.

The ride back was done in about 43 minutes. About 50% of it was uphill since I took a different route back then what I did to come into work. If I simply reversed the route it might have been about 85% uphill.

The sun was beating down on me and I forgot to bring a waterbottle. So lessons were learned.

This weekend is the Charlotte Comic Convention! Very exciting time to be had. My friend Barry is coming over from across the pond and both my wife and I are looking forward to hanging out with him on Thursday night.

Donna and I are also planning on helping out the convention crew on Thursday by assisting picking up and dropping off the artists from the airport to the hotel. Always fun getting to meet these guys. They are the professionals that I've followed for some time and scold you if you call them sir and such.

I'll update after this weekend for sure! Have fun and stay cool!

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