Monday, March 22, 2010

Something New...Single Abstract Noun

Otherwise called SAN...( )

SAN is based on the US server Argent Dawn of the World of Warcraft game. It's a guild that is mainly made up of bloggers or those who read a lot of blogs. I saw this write up on it and could not resist. Though I don't really blog as much as some of the other kind people that do I do use it to post sketches and just chat about things going on.

Besides sketching one of my other favorite things is that game. It allows you to challenge yourself and your imagination but more importantly you get to meet a lot of cool folk.

I've gotten friendships started all across the globe and really enjoy it. If only they could all be on one server instead of on separate ones. But oh well, you can't get everything.

I started out making something I thought I would enjoy leveling. A warrior named Wojownik, which in Polish means Warrior. How original huh? I got this Draenei (Goat person) female going and got her to level 27. I was happy with almost everything about her. See I started making the female characters after a friend of mine said "I'd rather make something nice to look at while I play" and he got it right. One of the things that kept putting me off was I was sucking at the PVP side of things. This is the player versus player idea where in battlegrounds you take on the opposing faction for the win. I was getting my butt kicked around and since I normally don't get my tush handed to me it was bugging me. Normally I play a member of the Horde faction which are considered bad (though I just say misunderstood). This guild is Alliance (which I always called bad). So having to play Alliance for the 1st time in a long time was one thing but I have to have a class I can enjoy.

So last night I changed it...I made the warrior a bank alt (sits and handles auction houses , banking, etc...) and created another class that until recently didn't try at. So here comes the Paladin! My 1st attempt at one was years ago and I got okay at it but nothing special. Then a couple of months ago I tried again and enjoyed the leveling and battlegrounds so much that I also created one on my normal server's Alliance side in our sister guild. The Horde guild is named The Fallen Titans and the sister guild The Titans (How original right?).

Both of those guilds are good to be in. The Titans is very small as not many have done the Alliance side in our Horde guild, and are waiting for the new expansion before they do. But we have about 80-100 members in The Fallen Titans and they're all good persons for the most part to hang with.

This new guild, on a new server to me, and for me a first try at a roleplaying server, has been exciting. The people I've met in a week have been good and they have some awesome blogs. Though they have a lot of alt characters I would put the number of actual members around 200-250. If I am wrong I apologize and would also be even more impressed. So far I've been logged on and seen a minimum of 8 members and a maximum of 29. This is good as the chat lights up at times and a lot of it is good chat.

I do think I've written more now then I ever have before and I don't have any sketches (completed ones) to put up which is a shame.

Till next time!

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