Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Things be shaping up!

So I've been practicing on many different things such as eyes, hands, bodies, curtains, robes, etc...but nothing I can post at the moment.

But my running has finally kicked it up a notch! This past weekend I ran, with the aid of some good pals, 3.87 miles. This was the longest run this year and it really helped my confidence. I also had another 3 miles last night. This Thursday I am running with another group for 3.72 miles and on Saturday I will test myself with a brutal 4.2 mile hill run.

I have found several walls with running. The 1st wall is the 1 Mile Wall. This is for the beginner or the person starting to run again after injury and whose endurance is just shot. Once you break that things get easier until...the 3 Mile Wall. It seemed like forever where I could only meek out 2 miles, 2.5 miles, etc...until finally I got past the 3 mile mark and didn't feel like I had to stop during it.

The next wall is usually around 5 miles. It seems to go up in 2 mile increments for a little until after 5 it seems like it hits the 9. My goal this year is to do the YMCA DOWD Half Marathon on November 7th. I will be turning 40 on November 1st and so it will be a achievement and a milestone for me. I still want to do a marathon and might just surprise myself depending on how I do with the DOWD run.

I also found a cool website:

This gives some good thoughts and advice for things you, yes you...and I run into every day. Check it out.

Thanks for stopping by and checking me out...cheers!

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