Friday, November 21, 2008

The Joys of Christmas...Making me want to cry!

Christmas I enjoy it like every other person...but really come on now! I want to listen to it but when you hear some people trying to sing to the song being sung on the radio or whistle it off key it really makes me want to cry. Alas tis the season for off key singers.

And please do not bail out the auto companies!
They got themselves into this mess by not listening to the little people all this time. They need to be taught a lesson. Yes people will be out of jobs more than likely. The unions are to blame as well. They tie the hands of the big companies with high salaries and such, and then the companies choose to ignore us as we ask for them to make environment friendly vehicles. We need to change how things are done to get to that next level. I for one believe it is important to set a level on a salary for someone who runs a company. Too long have the rich gotten richer and the middle class and lower get poorer.

But what do I know? Ranting and raving mood apologies. These were from my sketch book during lunch. Nothing special as its tough drawing in my truck and not on a flat surface. Cheers!

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