Nobody likes the dreaded Blue Screen Of Death...So my work laptop went through some "issues" last week and Mr. Blue Screen came for a visit. Now I have been using a desktop that doesn't like Access, it has a track ball instead of the mouse I am used to, and the monitor is an ancient piece of technology that even my Archeology background (more like a hobby) would say..."Hmmm interesting, perhaps from the 90's era". Don't get me wrong, I appreciated being able to use it while the IT guy is on vacation. MR. Murphy decided to pull this stunt the day before he left though the signs were there, we just didn't think where it was leading to. I have been using my own laptop so that that I transfer stuff between the desk top and it. This gives me the privacy I have gotten used to and the lighting that doesn't force me to take aspirin to stop the headaches. Boy...Am I bitchy today or what?
I have been working on Betty in my off time. You remember Betty don't cha? This is Betty!
Well maybe you don't remember Betty. I tweaked her a little and did some of the edges but it's still the same sketch without any real touch up. Wait until you see the work I've done on Betty! Til the next post...Cheers! And have a pint for me wishing me a good hard drive to come into my hands!