Life likes getting in the way and that's my excuse for not blogging in a while. This weekend I am being checked out (it's a yearly thing) for any cancer that may be lurking about inside me. I have a good feeling that there is none, but wish me luck anyways!
Have you had your BMI done lately? I had mine done last week and it was a 33. Now this says I am obese...I throw down the flag on that. It does not take into account a persons muscle mass, and for those who know me, I have a lot of muscle mass in my legs. I checked a site and it said I should weight, the most, 188lbs. I kid you not when I say that I couldn't exist with my current muscles weighing 188 pounds.
So I have a possible commission I am working on...this is some concept stuff for it.
Other then all that it's a good day and I'm looking forward to the weekend! Have a good 4th!