We elected an awesome person for our President. And he warned us that it's not going to be an easy process rebuilding what we have, as a society, done to the United States over the many decades that have passed us by. Many children growing up today have few hopes or dreams other than to make it rich. This is wrong...as life is not about money or fame, and yet thanks to our media today that is what so many think of. I believe many think that if they get rich all of their problems will go away just by paying them out.
Fame and fortune is a fleeting thing except for a few. In the end we all end up the same way.
Some of the best people I've met are here where I work, in a not for profit company helping the visually impaired have better lives. So many of them mean so much to me, yes the incredible food they bring in sometimes helps (fresh egg rolls today = happy me).
But so many people out there don't help others and only continue to be selfish, always wanting more.
Instant gratification seems to be around every corner which leads the youth to always want something new, something now, and then discard it for the next new thing 2 minutes from now.
People...friends...I ask of you this...when was the last time you helped someone else? Someone who needed it?
The President is making things tough...he warned us of this...in order to get better we have to cut our dependency on other countries and learn to work with what we have here. We need to learn to not always be wanting more...we need to learn patience.
No little box from Acme will solve your problems...