Monday, May 24, 2010

A Start of a New Week...

So my running this year hasn't been great but it has been good. The miles are not going up as I would have liked but the quality is decent. One thing that I didn't expect to happen is actually beginning to occur and that is I picked up my guitar(s) again!

I've been missing the meditation that comes with playing the guitar and just being able to zone out. I took the electric to a local store and am willing to pay the high cost of getting it playable again. The acoustic I feel I got lucky and was able to just put new strings on it and start strumming it. I'm very rusty from my days of being in a band but you have to start somewhere.

A good example of taking some time off and starting up something again is when I dropped sketching so long ago and several years ago picked it up again. I've learned things that I'd missed out on the 1st time through it. Perhaps I can accomplish the same with the guitar.
In the mean time here's an example of my sketching taking on some improvements. You saw the Greek one from last post but this is something in yet another direction for me...I'm looking forward to coloring this one with the tricks I learned on the Greek one!

Enjoy and have a good week!

Friday, May 14, 2010

It's All Greek To Me...

Been working on this one for a while...I finally decided for a simple background. Yes it could have been better I'm sure...but damn it looks good! Have a good weekend!

Monday, May 10, 2010

R.I.P. Frank Frazetta

Just heard some news that took a little out of me. The master artist Frank Frazetta passed away. He was and still is a major influence on my style. As a matter of fact I just drew this sketch of Conan thinking of all the ones I have since of his. He was also the topic that got me on good grounds with my wife! Here is mine which is not even in the same breath of his greatness...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Expressions of the day!

I love it when a doodle turns to something's like an idea...starts out small and has the potential for something more.

The bottom head started out as just that, a doodle, and then I kept on adding till I realized I had some expressions going on...enjoy!