Thursday, March 19, 2009

Another Ink Job

Another beautiful day in Carolina...enjoy!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Which all point to practice, practice, practice! The Master Drawing Class I have been attending has taught me some new tricks. The cool thing we started working on this past Monday was how to do line art and by using a marker you can draw using the "less is more" idea. I also started to mess around with my sketches and rework some with the markers. I think...they look better and I feel I now "gained a level" in art! Wish me luck this coming Saturday as it is the first of a series of races. It is a 4 mile race and I am hoping to run it all and not die out from out of breath. Cheers!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

And Let The Warm Weather Begin!

So it's a big change from last week and the snow. Now everything is starting to show some blossoms and the green is slowly getting greener.

The drawing class is awesome. I've learned some new tools to help me. Quadrants, blind sketches, and that which I dig...the 30 second sketch!

Here are two I've done lately. The first so reminds me of Marilyn Monroe and I had some thoughts of her and a birthday cake! Happy Birthday Mr. President (You get the idea...)

The second was just a random sketch that turned to a power walker. Hope you enjoy...and Cheers!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Recent Snow!

Those of you who pay attention to the weather might have noticed the east coast got hit with a little bit of snow. Well beautiful Charlotte also was part of this. About 4 inches landed in my area and below are some of the photos from it. Enjoy!